Investment Disclosure Statement

For Management of Agency Funds
July 2024

 About Agency Funds

The Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (“CCF”) was established to support financially the spiritual, educational, and social needs of our Catholic community. As part of that mission, CCF manages investment accounts in an agency relationship, called Agency Funds, for the investing organization.

An Agency Fund at the Catholic Community Foundation includes the following features:

  • The investing organization retains ownership of the assets in the Agency Fund.
  • CCF holds title to the specific investments in the Agency Fund in its capacity as agent for the
    investing organization.
  • Agency Funds may be co-mingled in investment pools, including with the assets owned by CCF.
  • The investing organization may deposit and, subject to the terms of the Agency Agreement, withdraw assets at will, and may exit the fund relationship at will.
  • Assets are invested in CCF’s Catholic-screened, investment pools as selected by the investing organization.
  • All investing organizations are charged an administrative fee based on the size of the relationship. All direct investment expenses are charged back to the appropriate investment pool.

About CCF’s Investment Pools

Decisions about the investment strategies and implementation of those strategies in CCF’s Investment Pools are made by the Investment Committee of CCF’s Board of Directors. Investment decisions are guided by CCF’s Investment Policy Statement.

CCF’s Investment Pools are subject to all risks related to investing in securities, including the following risks: price volatility, purchasing power, concentration, liquidity, valuation, leverage, and currency risks. CCF’s Investment Pools maintain a balance of capital appreciation, income generating, and inflation hedge assets pursuant to the asset allocation established by the Investment Committee and further described in the Investment Policy Statement.

Capital appreciation assets consist primarily of domestic and international equity, hedged equity, and private equity investments. Income hedge investments consist of primarily publicly traded fixed income, absolute return hedge funds, and distressed/private debt investments. Inflation hedge investments consist primarily of public and private real estate, natural resource, and commodity investments.

CCF’s Investment Pools are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) nor are they protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SPIC). CCF has no related party transactions in its Investment Pools.

No Federal Oversight of Investments Accounts

The Agency Funds held at CCF are exempt from registration requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Securities Act of 1933, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the comparable state securities laws. These exemptions arise out of the Philanthropy Protection Act of 1995. As a result, investing organizations will not be afforded the protections under those securities laws, including that there is no governmental monitoring or oversight over the Agency Funds. CCF does, however, remain subject to the anti-fraud provisions of federal and state securities laws.