Bring the

JustFaith Program

to your parish for FREE. 


What is JustFaith?

Live more simply.
Love more compassionately.
Make a difference in the world.

JustFaith is a small-group ministry rooted in Catholic Social Teaching. Through engaging reading, prayer, thought-provoking dialogue, and direct outreach, participants will open their hearts to the world while deepening their faith and building lasting relationships.

To learn more, visit the JustFaith Catholic webpage

What does it take to get JustFaith started at my church?

  • Two program leaders 
  • Register for the JustFaith curriculum (found here)
  • Schedule and reserve space for each session.
  • Publicize JustFaith
  • Register 10-15 participants to launch a successful program
  • Gather receipts to submit for reimbursement

How do I apply for the grant that makes JustFaith free?

This grant, available only to Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, will reimburse you for costs associated with offering the program, up to $1,200. These costs include a registration fee, speaker stipends, and participant materials such as books or DVDs. Any participation fee you charge will be yours to keep, as we know there are tangential costs such as refreshments, staff time, etc. 

Eligible programs include JustFaith Catholic, as well as JustMatters segments (for parishes who have already offered JustFaith), for programs launching in Fall, 2019. Grants are not available for the ecumenical version of JustFaith.

The deadline is Wednesday, July 31st. Grant commitments will be made by August 15th. Twelve grants were awarded following our May 15, 2019, early-bird deadline.

Questions? Call Meg Payne Nelson at 651-389-0882 or


Any money left over after the final deadline will be available via competitive grant application to provide seed money for new social outreach initiatives parishes want to take on as a result of their experience with JustFaith or JustMatters. Information on this “Phase Two” opportunity will be announced in the fall to participating parishes.