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“Racism is a serious offense against God precisely because it violates the innate dignity of the human person. At its core racism is a failure to love our neighbor.” – Most Reverend Harry J. Flynn

Mission Statement

The Catholic Racial Justice Coalition works collaboratively to build just relationships, heal the wounds created by racism and discrimination, and contribute to ending racial injustice within our communities and collective Catholic organizations.

 How We Do This

  • Gather around our shared beliefs to discern how we can use our institutional power and privilege to work in solidarity with our brothers and sisters most impacted by racial injustice
  • Convene the broader community through our organizations’ relationships for opportunities to change hearts and minds
  • Be a resource for individuals and communities to get connected with local education and action
  • Support local efforts that align with our mission and values

CRJC Members

Catholic Charities of the Twin Cities

John Marston, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

Working Group Representative:
Michael Rios-Keating,* Social Justice Education Manager
*Coordinator, CRJC

Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota

Anne Cullen Miller, President

Working Group Representative:
Meg Payne Nelson, Vice President of Impact
Christopher Nelson, Executive Vice President

Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda, Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Working Group Representative:
Fr. Daniel Griffith, Rector, Basilica of St. Mary

GHR Foundation

Amy Goldman, Chief Executive Officer and Chair

Working Group Representative:
Kevin Bennett, Senior Program Officer

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota

Fr. James Burns, President

Working Group Representative:
Marisa Naryka, Vice President for Mission and Student Affairs
Michael Reilly, Program Assistant, Office of the President

Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

Executive Leadership Appointee:
Sr. Susan Hames, CSJ

Working Group Representatives:
Marty Roers, Justice Director

St. Catherine University

Marcheta P. Evans, President

Working Group Representatives:
Sr. Sharon Howell, Director of the Center for Spirituality and Social Justice
Jackie Font-Guzman, Sr. Vice President for Equity and Belonging

University of St. Thomas

Robert Vischer, President

Working Group Representative:
Fr. Christopher Collins, Vice President of Mission