Investing and Grantmaking with a Catholic Heart

Investing and Grantmaking with a Catholic Heart

The Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) has a history of earning healthy returns on its investments — but high returns aren’t CCF’s only goal. Catholic values and a desire to achieve the greatest good are at the heart of every investment CCF makes and every grant check CCF writes…

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2019 Assets and Grantmaking Snapshot

2019 Assets and Grantmaking Snapshot

Fiscal year 2019 was yet another year of growth for the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF). We opened 59 new funds, growing our assets under management to $378 million – a growth of $19.6 million. 

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Letter From the President: Of One Heart

Letter From the President: Of One Heart

Dear Friends,

What is a community if it doesn’t hold beliefs in common and come together to act on those beliefs? Isn’t that what we celebrate at Mass? When our shepherd holds the host before our eyes and says, “The Body of Christ,” we affirm our belief with a simple “amen” — it is so. Then, we take and eat. We believe, and so we do

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Important: Year-End Dates & Giving Guidelines

Thanks to you, the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota was able to grant nearly $17M to our community in the 2019 fiscal year. This is only possible with your support. We are so grateful to you. As we head into the holiday season and you consider your charitable giving for the end of this taxable year, please keep the following […]

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Letter From the President: Taking Care of the Details

With the adventures of summer behind us, the fall season calls us back to routine — back to our plans. It’s comforting to have a plan. A plan removes the stress and anxiety of the unknown. It gives us a roadmap, and by following it, we trust we’ll achieve our goals.

In our more than 25 years of ministering to Catholics and their philanthropy, we’ve come to learn that there’s one goal everyone shares: giving well. But planning for this goal can sometimes feel overwhelming. We often hear people say, “There is so much need. How can I be sure my philanthropy is making a difference?”

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