Catholic Spirit: Catholic foundations show continued growth throughout 2017-2018

Catholic Spirit: Catholic foundations show continued growth throughout 2017-2018

Amid worry that bad news about the Catholic Church and the clergy abuse scandal could impact Catholic giving, one financial expert just published a paper with a different story. Walter Dillingham, a Catholic, who is managing director of endowments and foundations at a New York firm that helps nonprofits manage their finances, has released a study that shows Catholic foundations have been growing — and multiplying — at near-record rates over the past two years…

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Letter From the President: Extending the Invitation to the Table of Plenty

Here at the Foundation, we understand that our work must build community. We seek to invite everyone in our faith community to this table of Catholic philanthropy, this table of plenty — philanthropists, leaders, grantees, and the most vulnerable.

It’s a privilege to share with you just how far our invitation to the table of plenty extends: from a small town where one person’s dream has created a valuable resource that’s empowering an entire community to a small school that welcomes low income and refugee families seeking a Catholic education for their children. It even extends beyond our lifetime, providing perpetual support for valuable missions and ministries through the power of endowment.

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Are Endowments Catholic?

Our call to stewardship goes beyond generous giving of our time, treasure, and talent. The U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship says, “as Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.”

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New Faces and Spaces

New Faces and Spaces

To build and sustain a vibrant Catholic community, we aim to grant $50 million annually by 2028. It’s a big, beautiful vision that requires thoughtful growth.

To effectively drive toward our vision, we needed to increase the capacity of our staff. So in 2018, we prioritized filling open positions and building our team. We hired a total of five new staff members, three of whom filled brand new positions at CCF.

To accommodate these new staff members, we expanded our office space. With this expansion, we added four new workstations and created more meeting spaces for our team of 17.

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