Letter From the President: A Beautiful Horizon

In July, I had the honor of attending the USCCB’s Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Orlando, Florida. The convocation focused on Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel. In this document, our Holy Father instructs Christians to “appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty.”

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Sharing Valuables, Sharing Values

Sharing Valuables, Sharing Values

When you think of writing your legal will, you probably think of meeting with an estate attorney to draft your last will and testament. These legal documents specify, among other things, your plans to leave the assets you’ve accumulated over your lifetime to your loved ones. Additionally, a legal will may also include your plans to make charitable gifts to specific charities or organizations in the community. In short, a legal will is about leaving your valuables to those persons or organizations you’ve cared about during your lifetime. But how do you make these decisions?

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20 Years of Serving the Mission

In August, Senior Accountant and Lead Financial Analyst, Becky Abbott, celebrated 20 years with the Catholic Community Foundation. Colleague Bill Marsella describes Becky as one of the Foundation’s private faces. “Her fingerprints are literally on every piece of paper that’s ever been important to the accomplishments of the Foundation over the last 20 years.”

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Early Catholic Family Life Grants

Young families, busy with little ones and bedtimes, are hungry for a ministry that doesn’t just accommodate their precious kids but serves them. Alan and Joanne Foley, a Twin Cities couple, knows this well. With a heart for the Faith and extensive experience with Minnesota public schools’ popular Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) model, they created Early Catholic Family Life (ECFL) to…

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