2017 Investment Conference

2017 Investment Conference

Bringing together donors and investors interested in giving and investing with a Catholic heart. Please save the date! Registration opens after Christmas, and a link will be made available on this page. You’ll gain clarity around what 2017 has in store for the economy. You’ll learn how Catholic investing continues to evolve. And, you’ll better understand how CCF navigates the marketplace to consistently steward more than 273 million charitable dollars to meet the needs of our local community.

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Merry Christmas From All of Us at CCF

Merry Christmas From All of Us at CCF

Peace…this is our prayer This year has been filled to the brim with blessings of all kinds: old and new friendships, generosity beyond imagination, and incredible community impact that answered persistent prayers. The selflessness and commitment of this Catholic community never ceases to amaze us. And so, from our vantage point, we now say: it’s time for a little peace, it’s […]

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Annual Report 2016

Annual Report 2016

From CCF President Anne Cullen Miller: At its best, philanthropy requires a faith so bold, it dares to spend sums today toward a distant goal, beautifully imagined but not yet seen. Everyday, I witness the unshakable and visionary belief of a community that has the power to shape a more loving and compassionate world.

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Introducing Mike Ricci

Introducing Mike Ricci

We are happy to introduce Michael A. Ricci, Jr., CFP, CAP as our new Director of Professional Outreach and Investments. Mike joins CCF after more than 20 years of experience as a partner and principal of a half billion dollar wealth management firm in Minneapolis. In his years serving over 180 clients, Mike has come to appreciate the intersection of […]

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Catholic Spirit: Nonprofit Partners Respond to Growing Senior Housing Needs

Catholic Spirit: Nonprofit Partners Respond to Growing Senior Housing Needs

Published by the Catholic Spirit on August 2, 2016: A bigger challenge than distance awaited Evon and Charles Wells-Ellis in their decision to have Evon’s mother, Grace Wells, move into their St. Paul home. Wells, 83, from Omaha, Nebraska, needed wheelchair access and other physical adaptations to live at Wells-Ellis’ Aurora-St. Anthony neighborhood home near St. Peter Claver. The cost of the changes looked daunting at $40,000-$50,000. “Anyone who is past the age of 70, is no longer working, and is maybe existing either on their retirement, from their benefits, or their Social Security as a whole…it’s virtually impossible,” Evon said about affording such changes.

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