2023 Year-End Giving Reminders

2023 Year-End Giving Reminders

Thanks to you, the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) was able to grant more than $24M to our community in the 2023 fiscal year. This is only possible with your support. We are so grateful to you. As we head into the holiday season and you consider your charitable giving for the end of this taxable year, please keep […]

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A Day of Fasting, Abstinence, and Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation in the Holy Land

A Day of Fasting, Abstinence, and Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation in the Holy Land

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have joined religious leaders around the world in calling for today, October 17, to be a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer for peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land. This day marks 10 days since the terrorist organization Hamas launched an attack on Israel. In the days since, thousands of civilians in both Gaza and Israel have died. Please join us in praying for the people of the Holy Land.

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Letter From the President: Love and Generosity

Letter From the President: Love and Generosity

At our 30th anniversary celebration, Father Mike Schmitz gave an incredible eight-minute overview of the virtues. In talking about the theological virtues — faith, hope, and love — he noted that love is the Hebrew word “ahava,” which comes from a root meaning “to give.” “Generosity is closely linked to ahava, closely linked to love,” Father Mike said. “If I don’t have generosity, I’ve got a lot of stuff: I’ve got a lot of talents, I’ve got a lot of gifts … But if I don’t have generosity, I don’t do anything with them.”

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An Estate Plan Extends Your Love and Care Beyond Your Lifetime

An Estate Plan Extends Your Love and Care Beyond Your Lifetime

People often think of estate planning as just doling out all their “stuff.” Accounting for your assets and properly distributing them is certainly part of it. But the other part — arguably the most important — is caring for the people and places that you love. We asked Sam Nelson of the law firm Nelson Law to demonstrate how an estate plan is a valuable tool that ensures your wishes and ideals carry on.

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How We Can Help the People of Maui

How We Can Help the People of Maui

We continue to see scenes of utter devastation in Maui. Numbers of the deceased continue to rise. We mourn with our Hawaiian brothers and sisters following the horrific fire in Lahaina and surrounding areas. We hold them in our hearts and in prayer, for the many lives that have been lost and the lives of survivors forever changed by indescribable loss: of loved ones, homes, jobs, and communities. As we witness this loss of life and the destruction of God’s creation, we feel called to support the people of Hawai’i where and how we can — through prayer and generosity.

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