Basilica Magazine: A Conversation with Anne Cullen Miller

Basilica Magazine: A Conversation with Anne Cullen Miller

“Minnesota nice” isn’t just a saying — it’s a way of life here, with a large percentage of Minnesotans sharing their time and treasure with a variety of charitable organizations. Our vibrant local Catholic community is particularly generous and the Catholic Community Foundation is celebrating 25 years of faithfully investing in the Minnesota community…

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Letter From the President: Join Us at the Table

Anniversaries are special milestones, marking not just years passed, but goals accomplished and lives changed. The Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) is embarking on our 25th anniversary year – a quarter of a century of giving. CCF began with a simple idea to serve as a steward of the charitable financial resources of Catholic individuals, families, parishes, and organizations. This faithful Minnesota community responded with…

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Bishop Caggiano Calls Upon Laity to Reinvigorate the Church

Bishop Caggiano Calls Upon Laity to Reinvigorate the Church

Growing up in a first-generation Italian-American family, the Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano said that the soul of the house was the kitchen table. As a seminarian, he’d pull up a chair with his mother every night at 9 p.m. to talk about the day over a hot cup of coffee. Now, as the leader of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, Bishop Caggiano is urging Catholics to “rediscover the power of the table” to heal divisions through…

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