The Downside of IRA Required Minimum Distributions (and How to Avoid It)

The Downside of IRA Required Minimum Distributions (and How to Avoid It)

Some of the best tools for planning for retirement are pre-tax retirement accounts. Your income goes directly into these funds, without being taxed, and then grows tax free for years. You don’t have to worry about paying taxes on these accounts until you start withdrawing the money during retirement. But, all good things must come to an end. So, tax law requires that you…

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Letter From the President: Communion of Saints

Letter From the President: Communion of Saints

Hundreds of thousands of people from different economic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds make up our Catholic community. For all our individual differences, we so beautifully compose a single body: the Church. In unity with the faithful who have already passed, we form the communion of saints —a communion that joins us to Christ.

As I reflect on fiscal year 2022 at the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF), I see our philanthropic community, a communion of saints itself, proving through its actions that so much more can be accomplished as one united body.

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2022 Assets and Grantmaking Snapshot

2022 Assets and Grantmaking Snapshot

The Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) continued its growth trajectory in fiscal year 2022. With 89 new funds opened, CCF now manages more than $507 million in assets. Click to see more information about CCF’s growth in funds, assets, and grants.

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Selling Your Business? Consider a Donor Advised Fund.

Selling Your Business? Consider a Donor Advised Fund.

The Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) believes philanthropy enriches lives. Considering how charitable giving might fit into our business plans only grows our capacity to positively impact our community. We asked John Remakel and Marcus Urlaub of the law firm Monroe Moxness Berg to help us understand how philanthropy might fit into a business sale.

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The Anatomy of a Catholic Estate Plan

The Anatomy of a Catholic Estate Plan

A good estate plan has the bones to hand down the things you’ve worked hard for in life and to plan a proper funeral. A great estate plan has the brains to consider how your affairs are handled and how assets are distributed. But a Catholic estate plan ensures your legacy lives on — it has a heart. A Catholic […]

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2022 Year-End Giving Reminders

2022 Year-End Giving Reminders

Thanks to you, the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) was able to grant more than $18M to our community in the 2022 fiscal year. This is only possible with your support. We are so grateful to you. As we head into the holiday season and you consider your charitable giving for the end of this taxable year, please keep […]

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