Catholic Racial Justice Fund
The Catholic Racial Justice Coalition (CRJC) of the Twin Cities works collaboratively to build just relationships, heal the wounds created by racism and discrimination, and contribute to ending racial injustice within our communities and collective Catholic organizations. The CRJC’s grantmaking goal is to be a catalyst for and supporter of local racial justice initiatives involving the Catholic community in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota.
Delegates from each coalition member have formed a working group that acts as an advisory committee for this fund. The advisory committee oversees the grantmaking process and evaluates applications.

For Grantseekers
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. The CRJC Advisory Committee will vet and review new applications at each monthly meeting. Notifications of awards or denials will be sent shortly thereafter.
Grants can be awarded only to churches or 501(c)(3) public charities/nonprofit organizations, not individuals. Organizations receiving grants may re-apply for a new project but not for the same project. Priority will be given to new organizations. The activities funded by the grant must benefit people in the greater Twin Cities (Minnesota) metropolitan area.
For Donors
Grow the impact of the Catholic Racial Justice Coalition by donating any dollar amount to the CJRC Fund.
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