Letter of Inquiry — Educational Impact Grants

Using the form below, submit a summary (limited to 1200 characters, or about 200 words) of your project. The typical grant award will be between $8,000 – $10,000. All projects should fall under one of the following priorities:

  • Assistance with enrollment development, including marketing and communications investments such as website enhancement, school signage, printed collateral, designers, social media enhancement, etc.
  • Fund development initiatives such as contract help for research, fundraising, and data entry, financial assistance with events, major gift appeals, and/or direct mail campaigns, etc.
  • Technology infrastructure including software, online services, whiteboards, 1:1 devices, and associated technical support and training.
  • Small capital improvements to facilities including repairs, upgrades in efficiency and safety, painting, landscaping, etc.

In evaluating grant inquiries, we consider the financial need of the school, the number of previous Educational Impact Grants received, whether the project fits the guidelines above, and how pressing the need is.

Letters of Inquiry due: Friday, March 15, 2024
Selected inquiries will receive an invitation to apply by Friday, March 29, 2023
Full applications will be due Friday, April 19, 2023
Site visits may be requested and must be completed by Friday, April 26, 2023.
Questions? Please contact CCF Vice President of Impact Meg Payne Nelson at (651) 389-0882.

Letter of Inquiry 

Sorry, the deadline to submit Letters of Inquiry has passed.