New City Ministry


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New City Ministry was started through a gift made possible by the late Reverend Henry Joseph Sledz. Father Henry served God in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis from June 4, 1932, through June 9, 1991. He grew up in northeast Minneapolis and remained a “Nordeasterner” at heart his whole life. He loved his vocation to the priesthood. His ministry endeared him to people wherever he served. Father Henry had a special vocation to youth and the Sodality Movement. His favorite pastime was to travel and he allowed himself to be thoroughly enriched by the culture, music, food, and customs of the nations he visited.

Through New City Ministry, his nephew, Reverend Stanley V. Sledz (shown at right with an picture of his uncle), intends to carry out the spirit of his uncle’s priestly ministry. The name New City Ministry was inspired by the scriptural image in the Bible found in the Book of Revelation 21:1-5, 22-27 and 2 Peter 3:13. You can learn more about New City Ministry by reading this CCF story.

This ministry has been formed to encourage and financially support adult Catholic men and women of color in their ministerial formation and development.

New City Ministry is administered by Father Stanley. A specially-formed Selection Committee assists in this administration, policy formation, and in the recommendation of grants. Selections will be made from the proposals submitted on behalf of individuals chosen for ministerial formation by parishes or organizations of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.

Since its inception in 1995, New City Ministry has existed as a fund at the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota. Now an endowment, the fund provides approximately $10,000 per year. The plan is to provide funding as long as we are aware of the need.

Grantmaking Guidelines

New City Ministry provides professional development grants for women or men of color who are interested in deepening their engagement as a volunteer in their parish. This could mean attending a conference, workshop, class, or any professional development or enrichment opportunity that is relevant to your particular ministerial area. There are two forms to fill out, linked below. One is for you to complete, one is for your pastor to complete on your behalf. Both forms must be submitted to complete your application.

Grants may be renewed based on a thorough evaluation of the previous applications, the progress of the minister, and a newly submitted proposal. Even though New City Ministry does not fund programs or provide salaries, the hope is that the development of the minister will benefit and bless the church community she or he serves.

To apply, use the buttons below. 
Questions? Click here to email Anne Attea.


New City Ministry receives applications on or before March 14. The application process requires completion of the application form. The New City Ministry Selection Committee will announce annually the grants on or about May 1, and the funds are distributed to parishes and organizations around the feast of Saint Henry (July 13) at the annual New City Ministry banquet.

The grant check will be issued to your parish, and the parish will either pay for the opportunity directly or reimburse you for your expenses.