New City Ministry Pastor Recommendation

Pastor/Sponsor Information

This form contains eight questions that require a few sentences of response; and it does not save as you go. You may wish to print this page and consider your answers before proceeding to complete and submit the form.
Your Name:(Required)

Minister Information


Note to Pastor/Supervisor:

You will be contacted via email in the future for confirmation of the use of the funds and your reflections on the ministerial growth of the applicant.

Submitting your Recommendation

After you click the "Submit" button, a "Thank you" page should appear and you should receive a copy of the submitted recommendation via email. If this does not happen, we have not received your recommendation. If that happens, first scroll up and review for errors, and try clicking the Submit button again. If you still do not see a confirmation message, contact Meg Nelson at CCF for help at 651-389-0882.