Grants for Professional Development
for Lay Ecclesial Ministers

Eligible Applicants

Lay ecclesial ministers in any department serving a parish in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis who are employed at the parish during the class or program.

Eligible Programs

This grant is for assistance with the cost of graduate level education, ministry certificates, or continuing professional education designed to provide our ministers with strong theology and management skills needed to strengthen the parishes in which they serve. This can take the form of classes (online or on-site), conference registration, or certain retreat experiences.

Amount of Grant

The Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) will award grants for related expenses. First-time applicants can apply for a grant up to $1,000.  The limit for subsequent requests is $500, with a total lifetime maximum of $2,000.

Application Process

You apply for a grant toward the program of your choice. The grant check is made payable to your parish.  The parish reimburses you, or pays for the program directly.

Decision Process

This is a competitive grant application. Decisions will be based on (1) our assessment of how well your proposal fits the guidelines and (2) competing opportunities outlined in all submitted proposals. Repeat funding is only allowed if funds are available.

Application Deadlines

Applications will be processed up to three times per year, as funds allow. The deadline for Summer classes and programs is May 1. The deadline for Fall classes is August 15.  The deadline for Spring classes is December 15.   Notification of commitments will be made to you, your pastor, and your business administrator within three weeks of applying.

Questions? Please call CCF Vice President of Impact Meg Payne Nelson at (651) 389-0882.

Application Form

The Lay Ecclesial Minister Professional Development application period for the Spring semester has ended. You may apply between March 15 and May 1 for a grant for the Summer term.