Small Group Grant Program
Guidelines and Goal
CCF’s Small Groups Grant Program exists to increase the number of parishes offering small group experiences by a) clarifying small group goals, b) promoting small group activities, and c) removing financial barriers to launching small groups. Small groups are a goal of the Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter Implementation Plan and advancing them was recommended by CCF’s Parish Vitality Advisory Committee. Grants can enhance existing small groups or help create new ones.
Any parish in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis is welcome to apply. Priority will be given to small, rural, or under-resourced parishes.
Small Groups and the Pastoral Letter Implementation Plan
The Year 1 Implementation Plan calls on all parishes to create or grow a small group ministry in service of evangelization. These groups should foster personal relationships, build community, and provide formation to help parishioners grow as joyful missionary disciples of Christ.
- They can use topics such as Bible study, faith sharing, prayer, sacramental preparation, evangelization, or the beauty, form, and meaning of the Mass.
- They can have a variety of formats but should be comprised of common interest groups: couples, women, men, single, mixed age, or those in a similar stage of life.
- Parishes may collaborate with other parishes on this ministry, as desired.
One or more of these small groups should, “reach the marginalized and the poor,” and they should all “offer prayer ministry to those in need.”
Goal of Small Groups
Deacon Joseph Michalak, Director of Discipleship and Evangelization and Director of Synod Evangelization, says the biggest obstacle to successful small groups is when people don’t grasp that the context is relationships. It’s not a “program” that is implemented for a set number of weeks to cover a set series of topics, but instead is a method to deepen relationships with others, and together deepen relationships with God, in an ongoing way. It’s a way of being Church.
To use a favorite word for both Benedict XVI and Francis, the goal is an encounter with the Living Lord Jesus and through him with one another. It aims both at renewal within the parish and a movement beyond the parish through relational evangelization and works of mercy. The goal is to sustain the group over time and continuously invite others to join.
Grant Program Details
Use of Grant Funds
Grants (which can range from $250-$2,000) can be used for costs associated with enhancing existing groups or starting up new groups. They may pay for training for small group leaders, program materials, books, advertising, hospitality, etc.
Grant Cycle Schedule
Invitations will be accepted twice per year.
- Applications open in January will be due Friday, February 21, 2025. Notifications will be made in late March.
- Applications open in May will be due Friday, June 20, 2025. Notifications will be made in late July
Small Group Resources
The Archdiocese recommends parishes use the Parish Evangelization Cells System (PECS) which is completely free and includes training for leaders on how to launch and maintain small groups. You can find more on their website. The Archdiocese has an entire content library available to you. If you need any help, contact Gizella “Gizzy” Miko, Small Group Facilitator, or Regina Mancilla, Small Group Support. If you would like to supplement that program with other resources, you can investigate some of these programs and resources: