Institutional Endowment Fund
Perpetual Financial Stability Begins Here
A perpetual endowment is a fund designed to provide stable, ongoing financial support to your parish, school, or organization — forever. The fund is legally protected and grows through prudent investing. And, each year, you have the option to receive your endowment distribution or reinvest it.

CCF takes a balanced approach, investing endowed funds in a highly diversified long-term pool, designed for growth and income over time.
Sharing your Catholic faith, we strive to be a faithful steward, employing investment strategies that avoid harm and promote the common good.
Our scale enables a fee structure competitive with that of other community foundations, wealth managers, and investment advisors.
Permanent, Perpetual, Forever
Endowing the Future
What makes an endowment permanent? The short answer is animus donandi, which is Latin for donor intent. Both civil and canon law regard donor intent as sacrosanct. CCF manages your endowment in accordance with current laws and evolving best practices.
The Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act protects donor intent and provides guidance on the investment decisions and endowment expenditures for nonprofit organizations.
Canon 1300
Canon 1300 of the Catholic Church states that the intentions of those who give goods to pious causes must be carefully observed.
Now Is the Time
Tomorrow Depends on Today
You know well the old adage, “There’s no time like the present.” But, we’ll gladly say it again. That’s because there really is no time like the present to start building an endowment. Here’s why.
Tax Reform
Recent changes to the tax code have impacted the charitable giving landscape. That means donors are seeking tax-efficient ways to support your organization – why not your endowment?
Wealth Transfer
Over the next 20 years, $48 billion will transfer from one generation to the next in Minnesota. We’d be wise to capture some of that wealth in endowments to benefit future generations.
Changing Demographics
Not only are millennials disaffiliating from religion at alarming rates, they’re the first generation in history to have less wealth than the previous generation. We can endow the future of our faith today.
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