Dear Friends,

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

I find the doxologies of our faith tradition so powerful. Through these brief, simple prayers, we glorify the Triune God and acknowledge the timelessness of His glory.

Saint Paul calls us to do everything for the glory of God.

At CCF we make it easy to give for the glory of God — now and forever. CCF donors give out of a deep and abiding faith. They see all that they have as a gif from God and feel called to share those blessings to glorify Him.

And many of the donors that give through funds at CCF do so perpetually. They know that God’s glory is eternal and that his Church is eternal, and they make plans to support Her in perpetuity. World without end.

CCF welcomes into its Legacy Society the individuals and families who have entrusted us with the perpetual stewardship of their gifts. Members of the Legacy Society have the assurance that CCF will forever honor their intentions — and their faith.

This newsletter aims to introduce you to the Legacy Society. In it, we highlight St. Victoria’s Father Bob White and his enduring support of his parish and neighboring Catholic high school. You’ll also read about Patty Roach’s love of music and all things Annunciation. Both are beautiful examples of charitable legacies that have been entrusted to CCF’s perpetual stewardship. And we invite you to consider your own legacy, your family’s legacy, and your legacy of faith.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

As a Catholic foundation, CCF shares in your belief in God’s eternal glory. It is our vocation to serve you as you discern the most impactful path forward. Thank you for trusting us and allowing us to accompany you on your sacred journey of generosity.

With gratitude,

Anne Cullen Miller, MBA

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