25th Anniversary Celebration Recap

25th Anniversary Celebration Recap

On April 26, 2018, philanthropists and supporters gathered at the Minneapolis Hilton to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF). The theme was “Come to the Table,” and more than 800 attendees did just that, savoring shared memories, fellowship, and purpose, along with inspiring music and delicious food.

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Basilica Magazine: A Conversation with Anne Cullen Miller

Basilica Magazine: A Conversation with Anne Cullen Miller

“Minnesota nice” isn’t just a saying — it’s a way of life here, with a large percentage of Minnesotans sharing their time and treasure with a variety of charitable organizations. Our vibrant local Catholic community is particularly generous and the Catholic Community Foundation is celebrating 25 years of faithfully investing in the Minnesota community…

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Letter From the President: Join Us at the Table

Anniversaries are special milestones, marking not just years passed, but goals accomplished and lives changed. The Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) is embarking on our 25th anniversary year – a quarter of a century of giving. CCF began with a simple idea to serve as a steward of the charitable financial resources of Catholic individuals, families, parishes, and organizations. This faithful Minnesota community responded with…

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Bishop Caggiano Calls Upon Laity to Reinvigorate the Church

Bishop Caggiano Calls Upon Laity to Reinvigorate the Church

Growing up in a first-generation Italian-American family, the Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano said that the soul of the house was the kitchen table. As a seminarian, he’d pull up a chair with his mother every night at 9 p.m. to talk about the day over a hot cup of coffee. Now, as the leader of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, Bishop Caggiano is urging Catholics to “rediscover the power of the table” to heal divisions through…

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Catholic Spirit: Panel discusses helping mothers, children break the cycle of poverty

Catholic Spirit: Panel discusses helping mothers, children break the cycle of poverty

A single parent, Maria Sinchi, 26, didn’t know how much support the Church offers single mothers and children through various nonprofits. “It’s really nice and empowering and just encouraging to us to know that these resources are available,” said Sinchi, a parishioner of St. Stephen in Minneapolis. “It’s really cool what these women are doing.” Sinchi and more than 90 other people heard from five female panelists March 12 about…

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Welcome Brenda Murphy to the Catholic Community Foundation Staff

We are pleased to announce that Brenda Murphy joined the Catholic Community Foundation (CCF) this past December. As Database and Prospect Research Analyst, Brenda provides invaluable support for all aspects of development and donor relations. She is responsible for the database management, providing…

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Catholic Spirit: Foundation’s new impact investments yield financial, social returns

Catholic Spirit: Foundation’s new impact investments yield financial, social returns

As the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota enters the new field of impact investing this year, its leaders expect not only a financial return on two new investments, but also measurable evidence of these investments’ impact on people and the environment. The St. Paul-based foundation has long screened investments by their alignment with Catholic values…With $3.5 million in impact investments — another form of socially responsible investing — CCF believes it can do even more to further…

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