Letter from the President: Love In Deed and Truth

Letter from the President: Love In Deed and Truth

As president of the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF), I have the honor each day of witnessing love in action. I see it in the little ways the CCF staff goes the extra mile to compassionately serve our donors, partners, and grantees. And I see it each week as we gather to pray for our community — both as a collective and for individuals by name.

And I see love in action in the diverse ways our donors, partners, and grantees serve others. With an enormous spirit of generosity and a deep desire to extend their Catholic values, they positively impact our community every day.

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5 Ways to Support Your Parish Endowment

5 Ways to Support Your Parish Endowment

Each week — or month or year — you give generously to your parish to fuel its vital mission and ministries. By directing a gift to your parish endowment, you can provide consistent and reliable financial support to these ministries forever.

Your parish’s permanent endowment is invested, grows, and yields annual grants to fund its ministries — in perpetuity. Here are five ways you can support your parish endowment…

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We are delighted to welcome two new staff members to CCF. Liz Boo Neuberger is our director of strategic communications and Jeanne Schaaf is director of institutional stewardship and engagement. As director of strategic communications, Liz will build awareness, inspire generosity, and grow impact, driving our mission to support financially the spiritual, educational, and social needs of our community. For […]

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Letter From the President: Each Part Does Its Work

Letter From the President: Each Part Does Its Work

Dear Friends,

Spring in Minnesota is always an exciting time. As we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and victory over death, green grass and daffodils poke through hardened ground. Signs of hope and revitalization surround us.

And just as all parts of our ecosystem play a key role in spring renewal, so too does each member of Christ’s body play a key role in parish revitalization. St. Paul writes to the Ephesians, “From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (EPH 4:16).

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4 Easy Ways to Leave a Charitable Legacy

4 Easy Ways to Leave a Charitable Legacy

You strive to live a good life on earth, with the assurance of eternal life after we pass. You’d like to be remembered for how you lived — with kindness, compassion, and wisdom. One way to have your legacy reflect your life is through a charitable legacy gift. Here are four easy ways to create your charitable legacy.

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Letter From the President: Only Together

Letter From the President: Only Together

Dear Friends,

None of us will forget 2020 anytime soon. The pandemic, together with the social unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s unjust death, have taken a heavy toll. At the same time, I’m very proud of how our Catholic community has responded. In the midst of dual crises, in a time of fear and uncertainty, we have come together to help our neighbors and support Catholic organizations.

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2020 Assets and Grantmaking Snapshot

2020 Assets and Grantmaking Snapshot

Fiscal year 2020 was yet another year of growth for the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF). We opened 68 new funds, growing our assets under management to $387 million — a growth of $21 million.

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SECURE Act Changes Retirement Plans for Next Generation

4 Easy Ways to Leave a Charitable Legacy

Lauren Barron is an attorney in the Private Client Group of the law firm Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, where she advises on trusts, estates, and tax matters. Lauren attends Saint Anne’s parish in Hamel, MN, and her children attend Providence Academy in Plymouth, MN. Below, she highlights key changes to inherited IRAs to keep in mind when estate planning.

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Ask An Attorney: 11 Answers to Your Questions About Estate Planning

Ask An Attorney: 11 Answers to Your Questions About Estate Planning

Nicole M. Flaherty Cropper is an attorney at Fafinski Mark & Johnson, P.A. in Eden Prairie, where she specializes in trusts and estates. Nicole and her family are members at All Saints Catholic Church in Lakeville, Minnesota, where she grew up. Below, Nicole helps us better understand estate planning by answering your most common questions.

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