Introducing Bethel Ruest

Introducing Bethel Ruest

We are thrilled to announce that Bethel Ruest, MBA, has joined the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) as our new senior philanthropic advisor. Bethel brings a wealth of experience in planned giving to CCF and our Catholic community. For more than 20 years, she served Mayo Clinic in Rochester, most recently as assistant director of gift planning, and she sits on the board of directors for the Minnesota Planned Giving Council.

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Letter From the President: Be Light for Others

Letter From the President: Be Light for Others

Dear Friends,

You’ve read many letters now, I’m sure, that begin with the words, “In these uncertain times…” In one way or another, we are all struggling with uncertainty; it seems almost every aspect of our lives is now unknown. Coronavirus impacts our health, our families, our work, our ability to participate in the sacraments, our future. As I think about the unknown, I am reminded of the Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue and his poem This Is the Time to Be Slow.

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A Community Response

A Community Response

In mid-March when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Minnesota, our daily routines were upended. All corners of the economy were impacted. And in the midst of rapid change and increasing uncertainty, our parishes — the places we turn for comfort, hope, and community — were forced to close their doors to keep staff and parishioners safe.

But church never ceased.

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The CARES Act and Charitable Giving

The CARES Act and Charitable Giving

You’ve likely heard about the CARES Act — Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act — passed into law in March 2020. It’s the largest economic relief bill in U.S. history and includes a variety of provisions to help individuals, families, and small businesses obtain economic relief. A couple of those provisions impact charitable giving. Just how depends on whether you itemize your deductions or not.

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Catholic Spirit: Nine Catholic schools serving low-income families to receive renewed support

Catholic Spirit: Nine Catholic schools serving low-income families to receive renewed support

Nine Catholic elementary schools serving low-income families in seven cities in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis can expect a renewed commitment of support from organizations that can help, said Jason Slattery, the archdiocese’s director of Catholic education. GHR Foundation, Aim Higher Foundation and the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota “are among the main foundations and community partners that have stepped forward to provide renewed support for these schools based on their eligibility for this initiative,” Slattery said.

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The CARES Act, Charitable Giving, and an Opportunity to Double Your Impact

The CARES Act, Charitable Giving, and an Opportunity to Double Your Impact

You’ve likely heard about the CARES Act — Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act — passed into law in March 2020. It’s the largest economic relief bill in U.S. history and includes a variety of provisions to help individuals, families, and small businesses obtain economic relief. A couple of those provisions impact charitable giving. Just how depends on whether you itemize your deductions or not.

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Your Gift DOUBLES This Week

A Community Response

We launched the Minnesota Catholic Relief Fund (MCRF) on MAR. 19 to contribute to operational stability for Catholic parishes and schools during this time of disruption.

As of SAT. APR. 18, together we’ve raised $877,013, and we anticipate making the first round of grant distributions next week. But there remains great and urgent need.

And this week, your gift DOUBLES!

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Introducing the Minnesota Catholic Relief Fund

A Community Response

Dear Friends,

In response to this crisis, and in partnership with Archbishop Hebda, the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) has created a fund to inspire community generosity and collaboration to provide urgent financial relief and stabilization to parishes and Catholic schools experiencing grave financial distress.

The result is the Minnesota Catholic Relief Fund (MCRF) — a coordinated community-wide philanthropic response to COVID-19.

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CCF’s COVID-19 Response: Have Faith, Hold Hope, Be Light

CCF’s COVID-19 Response: Have Faith, Hold Hope, Be Light

Dear Friends,

We know this is an uncertain and unsettling time. It is understandable to be fearful and anxious. As Catholics, we know, too, that now, more than ever, we’re called to have faith, hold hope, and be light for others. We’d like for you to know the ways in which the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF) is doing just that in the midst of COVID-19 and its impact.

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CD Interest Rates Are Low. Now What?

CD Interest Rates Are Low. Now What?

At one time, certificates of deposit (CDs) were a reliable high-yield savings vehicle. But after the Federal Reserve (the Fed) cut interest rates four times since July 2019, CD rates hover around just 2.00%. And there’s no indication the Fed will raise rates anytime soon. So if you’re considering opening or renewing a CD, what other options do you have […]

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