Salt & Light Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota

Right Time.

Right Place.

Right Need.

Salt & Light Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota

Right Time. Right Place. Right Need.

About the Fund

The Salt & Light Fund (formerly the Legacy Fund) is CCF’s flagship unrestricted fund. Contributors to this fund collaboratively support urgent and unmet needs in our community. Grantmaking from the Salt & Light Fund strives to preserve the good work of critical charities in our community and address emergent needs as they become illuminated — today and tomorrow.

After giving us the Beatitudes at the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us:

You are the salt of the earth. …
You are the light of the world. …
Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.
MT 5:13-14,16

The Salt & Light Fund is an invitation to respond to Christ’s commands. Shine your light. Reflect Christ’s love to your neighbor. Share your blessings. With your generosity, we can build and sustain an even more vibrant Catholic community.

Salt & Light Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota: Right Time. Right Place. Right Need.

Choose How You Want to Contribute

Support the Fund Today

Write a check to CCF and write Salt & Light Fund on the memo line. Mail the check to us at 2610 University Ave. W, Ste. 500, St. Paul, MN 55114.

Give Online
Click here to make a credit card gift or ACH transfer at our secure online giving portal.

Make a Grant from Your DAF
Log into DonorSphere and recommend a grant from your CCF donor advised fund by searching for “Salt & Light Fund.” Or make a grant from another DAF institution to CCF for the purpose of the Salt & Light Fund.

Click here for instructions for transferring publicly traded stock or mutual funds.

Learn more about gifting the required minimum distributions from your retirement account.

We accept many other types of assets, too, like real estate or personal items. Contact us to learn more.

Plan a Future Gift

DAF Residual
Designate the Salt & Light Fund as a recipient of residual funds from your donor advised fund.

Beneficiary Designation
Name the Catholic Community Foundation’s Salt & Light Fund as a beneficiary of your retirement or other financial account.

Include language in your will or estate plan to make a bequest to the Catholic Community Foundation for the Salt & Light Fund.

Gifts with Income
Establish a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust to plan your gift today — while creating an income stream.

Contact us for support planning your gift.

If you make plans for a future gift to the Salt & Light Fund, please let us know! CCF donors who make charitable gift intentions are welcomed into our Legacy Society

Fund History

The Salt & Light Fund was established by the CCF Board of Directors in 2011 as the Catholic Community Foundation Legacy Fund. The CCF board regularly revisits and sets grantmaking priorities for the fund.

In 2020, the CCF Board of Directors set the following grantmaking priorities for the Salt & Light Fund:

  • Educational Impact: Build capacity of Catholic elementary schools; in particular, to better serve low-income populations and students of color.
  • Spiritual Impact: Revitalize parishes.
  • Social Impact: Serve vulnerable populations through parish ministries which provide volunteers opportunities for encounter and accompaniment.

Have Questions?

Get In Touch

For support making a gift, contact …

Bethel Ruest

Bethel M. Ruest, MBA
Senior Philanthropic Advisor
Email Bethel

For questions about grants, contact …

Meg Payne Nelson
Vice President of Impact
Email Meg