The Florian and Dorothy Bush Endowment
Many permanent endowments begin as Donor Advised Funds. Tom Busch opened a Donor Advised Fund at the Catholic Community Foundation and named it in honor of his late parents, Florian and Dorothy Busch. Their example of stewardship and charity for Catholic causes has shaped Tom’s life in many ways, particularly his own commitment to faithful giving.
He has made arrangements to endow his Donor Advised Fund upon his death, so that it will provide permanent support to his chosen causes. Tom talks about his parents’ model of giving and how it influenced his decision to give back.

Tom Busch at his parish, Our Lady of Grace in Edina, with his parents’ wedding photograph.
“Growing up in the 1950’s and 60’s, I recall how my parents, Florian and Dorothy, were actively involved in various ways that reflected their deep Catholic faith. Gentle and humble by nature, my parents innately seemed to know and carry out what is referred to as the necessity to act on the Word because ‘faith without works is dead’ (James 3:26).
“I remember dad’s dedicated service to the Knights of Columbus and as a church usher for many years. Sunday afternoons included time spent by dad with other ushers visiting parishioners in their homes to discuss the pledge donations they wanted to make to the church and the Archdiocese.
“Complementary to my dad’s efforts promoting stewardship, my mom participated in women’s church guild functions, volunteered with other mothers to assist with the parochial school field trips, and personally provided food and clothing she made on her sewing machine to individuals and families most in need. Mom also had a special appreciation for and talent in liturgical music, having been the organist at her hometown church.
“Their Catholic faith is what sustained mom and dad and gave them the necessary courage during the time dad served in World War II and later in life when they both faced multiple health challenges. The living faith of my parents strongly influenced my own faith development. Their example of service to church, country and community guided my decisions to pursue service in the U.S. Navy, a 30-year human services career, the care of my aging parents and ongoing volunteer endeavors.
“Today there are many opportunities for the faithful to be engaged as committed stewards. These can include contributing one’s time, talents and experience along with being involved in charitable giving. All of these are integral to the availability of services that meet the evolving needs of the community, and especially to meeting the needs of those who are most vulnerable.
“I use my Donor Advised Fund to make charitable gifts now, and it will ultimately become a legacy to my parents’ faith and generosity. Upon my death, the fund will become an endowment that will permanently support the causes and organizations I’ve chosen. In this way, I can honor the faithful example of my parents beyond my lifetime and continue my support of charities close to my heart, now and forever.”