Franciscan Brothers of Peace Aid Young Mothers Needing Shelter

Community Priorities — November 2022

$10,000 to the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, Inc. for the Material Needs of Young Mothers

Franciscan Brothers of Peace Vicar/Vice President Br. John Mary Kaspari writes,

“As the mission of the Franciscan Brothers of Peace states, we are called to provide for the physical needs of the poor within our midst and promote the dignity of the Gospel of Life. Through the generosity of donors, we can now provide resources for young, usually single mothers who desperately need aid paying for the most basic of needs. Most specifically, paying to keep a roof over their and their dependents’ heads, like Felicia and her young son Nehemiah, depicted in this photo. Of the 21 requests we have been able to fulfill these past seven months, 20 of them went toward the provision of ongoing shelter.

“In Felicia’s case, she was at risk of being evicted from her apartment. Due to your generosity, we were able to put her and her son up in a hotel until she could find alternate accommodations, thus preventing mother and child from sleeping and surviving on the streets.”


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