Looking Back, Paying it Forward

Looking Back, Paying it Forward

“I wanted to do something to memorialize our family and help foster the Catholic faith here in Faribault.”
— Barbara Mulcahy, CCF Charitable Remainder Unitrust

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Faithfully Remembered: Now and Forever

Faithfully Remembered: Now and Forever

“I can honor the faithful example of my parents beyond my lifetime and continue my support of charities close to my heart, now and forever.”
— Tom Busch, Florian and Dorothy Busch Endowment Fund

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A Legacy of Leadership

A Legacy of Leadership

“Going with CCF made sense because the Foundation supports our Catholic values. Someday Sam and I won’t be here to manage it, and having the fund be Catholic-centric is very important to us.”
— Mark Lano, The David Lano Foundation Fund

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Honoring a Beloved Godfather

Honoring a Beloved Godfather

“What you do for yourself dies with you. What you do for others lives on.”
— Mary McKeown, CCF Donor

In 2015, Mary McKeown partnered with CCF to create a fund that will provide perpetual support to retired priests from the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

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